Wednesday, November 26, 2008

TWILIGHT!!! :]]]

jensen was verrry tired.
dawn and holly.
dallin, teiha, and me.
waiting (impatiently) for the movie to start.
the four girls.
me and dallin.
me and teiha.
the gang.
getting into the movie.
the whole clan.
alright well we went to the midnight showing of Twilight! and before my mom, dallin, jensen, teiha, her mom, and me went to eat at appplebees and it was delicious!!! i loved the movie soooo much! i know everyone is saying that it is cheesy but with a low budget it cant be like harry potter!! but i loved it even more than any movie i have ever seen!!!! :]]] i am definitely going to go see it again!!!


Wendy said...

I have heard alot of reviews for this movie...and your right..with a low budget what did people expect? And I'm desperate to get my hands on the script Rob Pattinson got from Stephenie inside into Edwards he could better create his character...and I hear New Moon is going to be in the works!

Janet said...

I'm so glad you liked the movie...and Applebees is one of my favorites! Looks like you all had a great time!